Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rough Draft

I started my rough draft on Sunday, and it was going really well. I feel like I found sources that really supported my thesis!  I know we only needed to have 2 pages done by tomorrow, but I just wrote my whole paper. It's 3 pages, ending a little on the 4th page. Even though i hate when other people read my papers out loud, I'm hoping we have people peer edit our papers again. I really like it because it helped me realize not only what I did wrong, but reading others helped e see how I could also take my paper in a certain direction.  It definitely going to be weird going to class tomorrow, i'm so used to only have only class in the morning now. haha. I'm just glad that I'm finished up with my rough draft, I hope everyone likes it! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I was so excited for this weekend! There was so much going on for Halloween it was going to be a fun-filled weekend. But of course, by body decides it wants to get sick.  I was all achy, had  sore throat, and a headache....totally not fun. So for the past two nights I've been lounging around in sweats, no makeup, and wrapped up in a million blankets. I was feeling so bad that my mom came and picked me up for the night and let me stay home. It was nice to have my mom around to really take care of me because in the dorm I had no medicine or anything to help me feel better. Going home was the best idea ever, I got a really good nights sleep in my big bed and took so cold medicine to help. Now I feel 100% better and am so excited to head back to Kalamazoo later on tonight! My friend Emily and I are going to be twitter birds, can't wait to show it off!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Conference Time.

I'm kind of looking forward to having class cancelled the next class periods, and having a conference to review our paper. Yeah, it's cool to not have class, but that's not the main reason why i'm excited about this set up. I'm really excited because I think this will be really helpful for me because I get one on one with the teacher to really tell me what I'm doing good, and what I need to fix. Because before, we would write the paper on our own, and do separate activities in class so there really wasn't much time to get help from the teacher unless we went to her office hours.  I'm really excited that she decided to do this especially for this paper because it can get a little confusing on what research we need to do, and how we need to style our paper. Even though this writing is a bit tougher, i'm excited for it. I'm excited because I'm analyzing one of my favorite bands, all time low and one of my favorite songs, therapy. It's a lot easier to write about something when i'm passionate about it, so I hope this paper turns out great!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pretty Lake

Well, this Saturday all the new members in my pledge class went out to this place called Pretty Lake. All new members go here to bond and really get to know each other.....and of course it down pours. It was freezing cold, and after 5 hours of being in the rain all our layers were soaked through. Because of this, we had to leave early and we didn't even get to go on the high ropes course, which is everyone's favorite part :( Thankfully thought we will be rescheduling it and going back in December! Regardless of the horrible weather, it was still a lot of fun and we definitely boned as new members. I love my pledge class ♥

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Revised Thesis

1. Therapy by All Time Low 

In this song I think this person is trying to say how they are different, and nobody understands them and how everyone tells them they need "Therapy". Society for the most part don't accept people who are different, and I think that's what this person is trying to convey.  It's trying to say that "Therapy" isn't for people who are different  don't try to conform them to be like everybody else. Trying to do so can cause more harm than good and can lead to suicide. In a sense, society is asking for this person to get psychotherapy, but to this person, they are tired of being told they are cray/weird. The "therapy" they want is to be accepted and loved for who they are because they hate being told that they needs psychotherapy  they aren't mentally insane, they are just different. 

Thursday, October 18, 2012


For our upcoming analysis I have narrowed it down to a few ideas for songs of my favorite band. Lets me tell the thesis's I have created and let me know which one would be the best to work with!

1. Therapy by All Time Low
I'm asking what is Therapy?
In this song I think this person is trying to say how they are different, and nobody understands them and how everyone tells them they need "Therapy". Society for the most part don't accept people who are different, and I think that's what this person is trying to convey.  It's trying to say that "Therapy" isn't for people who are different  don't try to conform them to be like everybody else. Trying to do so can cause more harm than good and can lead to suicide.
2. Time-Bomb by All Time Low
What is the time-bomb in his hands?
This song is talking about a relationship between two people.It's about how two people are almost in a relationship that the rest of the world, or there family and friends don't agree with. This relationship is destructive. They know it's something that won't last, or shouldn't last but they both love each other so much that they just can't let each other go. They are trying to fight the "bomb" and pull together.
3. Lullabies by All Time Low
What is the candle?
This candle is supposed to be the symbolism of life. This is about a brother who is very angry that he committed suicide, he feels lost, angry, and upset. He feels kind of at blame for what happened to him, and just wishes he could see him again.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Soony's Blue's

At first when I opened up this reading, I was like are you kidding me?! It was so long! But as I started gaining more understanding of the writing, I began to like it. I never would have thought that a writing like this could have such underlying meaning. For example the use of darkness in the story, and the repeated phrase of "I didn't know why". Once you realized all this underlying meanings everything becomes more clear, and you can almost see a theme or a reason behind every phrase and the piece of writing overall. Analyzing Soony's Blues I thought was very beneficial. It's a great example of what we are going to be having to do for our next  paper, so now I feel a lot more confident about what i'm going to do and how i'm going to do. What I've learned for this assignment is, professors don't give you busy work anymore. When they want you to read something, do it because it will be beneficial in the end.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

The Monster

In class on Thursday we were split into groups and support who was the monster in the movie Carrie. Group one had Carrie's mom as the monster, group two had the popular kids at school as the monster, and then group three had Carrie has the monster.  Looking at all these groups I think all of them are monsters, there is just not one person who is really the main monster in this movie. I mean look at Carries mom she abuses her daughter daily, that's monstrous. The look at group two, the kids at school, they mock her and bully her all the time, which is also monstrous. Last look at group three, Carrie. She is clearly a monster too, she has telekinesis powers that allowed her to kill her whole senior class at prom, and her mother. I guess when you really look at, groups one and two really made Carrie into the monster she is.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Study Hours

Starting this week all the girls at Alpha Xi Delta were required to go to 4 hours of studying. We could go on the any two days between Monday-Wednesday from 8-10 pm. I'm here now, and it's really helping me get a lot done. When I first got here I opened up my Henrietta Lacks book and got so many chapters done, back at my dorm it was a struggle to even read two pages. Now i'm on chapter 34 and almost completed with the book. I'm so relieved and happy! This may sound nerdy but i'm really excited for these required study hours because I feel like it will really benefit me as a student. It will force me to sit down, in a quiet room to get my work done.  It's always so hard for me to get homework done in my dorm because i'm always getting distracted by my TV, music, Facebook or just talking to my roommate. I really think the library is a great place for me to study and get all my homework done. So if you're looking for me from now on, i'll probably be in the library.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Parent/Alumni Day

This weekend was great, not only was it homecoming but I got to see my family ♥. At my sorority it was parent/alumni day so I had my family come down and they got to see the house and meet some of my sisters. It was a great day, we all tailgated together and had a lot of fun. It was way too cold out though so after we tailgated for a while my family and I went out to eat at smash burger...which I found out is delicious by the way. Then we went to the Spirit shop and I got a new sweatshirt and and AZD lanyard.  And to top off this great weekend I went to the pre-season hockey game. Overall I had a great weekend because I got to spend with my family, my sisters, and my friends.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Read my paper out loud? Rather not.

I've always hated peers reading my papers beside the teacher of course. I always  feel embarrassed and awkward when I hear my words vocalized. So it didn't really help when in class Monday we were instructed to have someone else not only just read our paper silently but read it OUT LOUD in a small group.  When my paper was read I got all nervous and red, but by the end it really wasn't all that bad. The group had good things to say about my paper so that made me gain more confidence about my writing skills.  Sadly thought even thought I was comfortable with that, it wasn't the end of it. Two people then had to read your paper silently to criticize and analyze it.  Both techniques I realized turned out to be really beneficial. Hearing it out loud helped me see where certain phrases made no sense, or were complicated to read. I also gained a benefit from two people analyzing and criticizing it, it really helped me see the deep down issues and things that I could do to improve my paper, like grammatical errors. Overall thought I left class that day with a better understanding of what my paper should look like. I fixed up certain parts and it it already sounds SOO much better.